Friday, March 23, 2018

Spring Break Top Ten

Today was our last day of school before SPRING BREAK! My poor children had to spend extra hours at school while their friends go to go home at noon (noon dismissal=teacher work time). They'll miss me someday when they are are old enough to stay home alone, right??? They will secretly wish they were at school with their precious mother. Enter sarcasm here.

Here is my list of the top ten things I want to do over the next nine glorious days.

10. Go to bed early and get up early. I know, most people want to sleep in. Not me. I want to get up at 6 A.M. before anyone else is up, enjoy my coffee in front of the fire place and read or work in the peaceful, sleepy house. It's my favorite.
9. Be active every day. I want to get in at least three runs. That 10K isn't going to run itself at the end of April.
8. I have a list THIS LONG (visualize me holding my arms as wide as they go) of chores I want to get done around the house.
7. Take a load to Goodwill. See previous to-do list item. There is some serious purging still to do up in here.
6. Visit my parents. They want to see us, we want to see them--it's a good time for a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's.
5. Make cookies for the new neighbors.
4. READ and WRITE every day.
3. Spend time really BEING with my kids. Playing games with them, reading together, playing outside, going to the trampoline park and swimming--I just want to BE with them this week. No rushing. No go, go, go.
2. Make breakfast for my family (and I'm not talking about pouring some cereal into a bowl) and enjoying the meal together as a family. Again, no rushing.
1. Get back to my natural state. Life is busy. It is wonderful but it is busy, and I spend a lot of time rushing from one thing to another. I am looking forward to NOT doing that. I want to unplug a little from all the hurry. I want to simply BE this break. I think I need that. I am pretty happy we AREN'T going anywhere this year. Being at home sounds just right.

Happy Spring Break!!


  1. Love it. I could pretty much copy your list.
    Enjoy it! You deserve it!

  2. So many wonderful things that on your to do list! Enjoy everyday!
