Tuesday, March 13, 2018

I Am

I am an imperfect wife married to my imperfect best friend who is positively perfect for me.
I am a mom who completely feels like each child is a part of her very heart and soul walking around outside of her body...and whose blood pressure goes up each time she has to ask her child to PUT. ON. HIS. SHOES. for the 16th time. 
I am a teacher who wishes she had more hours in the day to do all that she wants to do for her students. 
I am a daughter who appreciates her parents more than she will ever be able to tell them. 
I am a sister who can't wait to finish listening to Hamilton so she can talk to her brother about it.
I am a friend who loves and needs dinners and conversations that you can really only have with your girlfriends. 

I am a reader. I am a writer. I am a worrier. I am fiercely loyal. I am a sensitive soul. I am tender. I am a tad hot-headed. I am a perfectionist. I am a first-born. I am trusting. I am a grudge-holder. I am outgoing. I am anxious. I am calm.

I am an aspiring meditator.
I am a believer in the goodness of people.
I am a Packer fan.
I am a lover of trying new restaurants.
I am in need of a beach, a lounge chair and a book.
I am always ready to talk and laugh.
I am unable to always choose sides...because both sides usually have good points.

I am never alone. 
I am always trying. 
I am forever grateful.

I am here.


  1. I love what you did with the I am format. It gave me insight into you and the things and people that are important you to. I have so much in common with you! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love this! I am so many of these things too, you have taken some words right out of my mouth and left me wishing I had written others myself. Bravo, this is beautiful. (PS I cannot figure out how to change my blogspot comments to my wordpress ID - it won't let me - but I am Mel Marie in this SOL challenge :)

  3. This is really beautiful and powerful! :-) ~JudyK
