Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Slice of Life Writing Challenge: Year Two

Last year was my first year participating in the Slice of Life Writing Challenge. I participated because I wanted to reconnect with writing--a part of me that has mostly sat on the wayside, which is pretty evident as the last date posted on this blog was last April. With so many other important aspects of life taking priority, writing time sinks to the bottom of my to-do list. And, this is okay...because I have discovered March and the Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life Writing Challenge. It is an opportunity for me to reconnect to writing. I do it for me. Last year, the only person outside of the Slicing community I shared the writing with was my husband. There was something safe about writing in a pretty anonymous setting; I could open up and I didn't worry much at all about expressing myself. I tried different formats and found that I really looked forward to writing a snippet about my day. Looking back at last year's posts reminded me of moments I would have otherwise forgotten, which is one incredibly important reason to write. I look forward to seeing where this month takes me and the moments I am able to capture. Here goes!