Sunday, March 25, 2018


I slip on my running shoes, put my earbuds in, choose music and off I go. The air is cold, the scenery still. A lot of brown on my horizon, but still beautiful. Spring is not yet showing. And honestly, the way the wind is howling around inside my hood, it is not feeling like spring either. 

When I run, I am taking care of myself. Physically and emotionally. This is for me. It is for no one else. I think. I don't think. I sing. I remember. I work through what I need to work through. Sometimes I walk.  I always feel better when I am done.

When I run, I listen to a lot of 90's hip hop music. Sometimes I wave my arms around like I just don't care. 

When I run, I am not fast. And that is okay. A mile is a mile, no matter how many minutes it takes.

When I run, I am doing something I never thought I could do. Running? I was never a runner. A mile seemed impossible. What else can I do that I never would have thought possible? 

When I run, I am reminded that I can do hard things. I can set goals and meet them one 1/4 mile at a time. And even if I don't meet the goal, I still accomplished more than had I stayed at home. Sometimes you just have to show up. 

When I run, I learn that many things in life get easier. Not easy. Easier. 

Today while I was running, I thought, Running is like writing--the more you do it, the better you get. That is the whole point of this month-long make writing a practice our get better...and to get our words on the page (or screen). 

When I run and when I write, I am making a commitment to myself to show do hard matter how fast I am or how lovely my word choice is...because it will get easier...and I will get better. 


  1. I can feel the cold from your description of the morning. I love the connection between exercise and writing. It's something I've been thinking about a lot myself, and you expressed it so well. Keep writing, and keep running!

  2. Great post! I agree - I've just picked running up after a long hiatus and I am slower than molasses, but I don't care. It's to be healthier! And same with my writing - I'm not going to worry about what I post, as long as I post every day! Keep on truckin'!
