Saturday, March 31, 2018

Day 31

Right now I am reading Cilla Lee-Jenkins, Future Author Extraordinaire by Susan Tan. It is about a little girl who wants to be an author. This reminds me of the 10 year-old me who wanted to be an author when she grew up. I wrote stories and poems. I entered contests. I wrote for my school newspaper. Somehow, though, the dream of being a writer changed into being a teacher. Luckily, I became a teacher of writing (6th grade language arts to be exact). As my career has changed (I am now an intervention teacher), I miss teaching writing. As my life has has become focused on being a mother, a wife, a teacher, a community member, etc. etc. etc., my writer self is still there, but sits on a shelf for most of the year. Enter the Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life March challenge.

This is the time of the year that I get to take my writer self off of the shelf and nurture that part of myself. I think about writing--what I will write, how I will write, when I will write a lot during the month of March. I begin the month with excitement and a list of possible topics. I end the month with thirty-ish pieces of my life captured forever. Looking back over the past four years, I have quite the collection of memories and experiences.

Sometimes it has been difficult to capture the words floating around my head into comprehensible sentences to truly and fully describe how I feel.

Sometimes the words flow easily onto the screen.

Sometimes the pieces are funny and inconsequential (like pee on the toilet seat), and sometimes they capture something poignant and important (friendship, marriage, motherhood). Either way, I don't want to forget those moments captured.

I spend time reading what others write and that inspires me. I learn and connect from the rest of this amazing writing community, and for that I am better. To all of those reading this--thank you for that.

And so, on the last day of March, I close with appreciation in my heart for every minute spent on this challenge--writing, reading, thinking.

My writer self is renewed, invigorated and reminded of the power of our words and just getting out the thoughts and the memories and the moments.

Until next year, my friends...

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