Friday, March 2, 2018

My Life is a Post-It Note

I make a lot of lists. I make lists at home and at school and in my head and on my Google Keep. At school, I have a small spiral notebook for my daily to-do list. I add to it as needed and start a fresh one when the paper is full, carrying over the unchecked items to the next list. At home, my to-do list sits on the counter on whatever piece of paper I could find. In Google Keep, I keep lists for home and for school. I keep track of my grocery lists, a long-term to-do list, projects I want to do, books I have read, books I want to read, etc. etc. etc. I also keep a list of ideas I have for next year at school--ideas I am not ready to implement but don't want to forget.

It seems like life just gets more and more hectic...and I embrace that...because my life is full of goodness and love and dance and piano and kids and friends and family. But, sometimes it seems a little overwhelming to coordinate it all! We have a wall calendar that we actually write things on AND a Google calendar so that my husband and I can both access it when we are not at home. Each Sunday night, we look at the week's events and make sure to coordinate who is taking our kids to their events and who has what meetings when. Our first grader also picks which days he will take school lunch based on the menu. Our second grader doesn't do hot lunch...but that is a different blog post.

For the most part, the items on my to-do lists and the events on the calendars get done. There aren't too many unfortunate situations where my stomach drops because I have forgotten something. Inevitably, it happens, though. And you's usually not the end of the world.

The most important to-do list I keep, though, is the one below that guides my entire life...this list here--this is the list that matters. As long as these items are checked, I'm good.

The rest of it can get put on a post-it for tomorrow.

1. Be grateful. Be kind.
2. Forgive myself and others.
3. Keep trying. Do my best.
4. Be present.
5. Play with my kids, listen when they talk to me, and make sure there is no doubt in their minds they are loved.
6. Hang out with my husband. Laugh with him.  Remember always what a blessing he is.
7. Remember I have the best job in the world.
8. Call my parents.
9. Be a good friend.
10. Go to bed on time. Enough rest makes everything better.


  1. Go to bed on time! Must know more about this Google Keep. I also live in notebooks and lists. I love the idea of having a permanent list. It grounds us in our beliefs and bolsters us in our trials.

  2. While reading your post it gave me a sense of calm. My life is extremely busy right now and reading your post reminded me of all the important things I have in my life to be grateful for. Thank you!
