Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thankful Thursday

This post was inspired by a slice I read a few weeks ago. Here is my version!

I am thankful for my home, full of windows and memories and laughter.
I am thankful for unexpected surprises like pie and snow days.
I am thankful for the friends of yesterday, the friends of today, and the friends of forever.
I am thankful for a job that I love and learn from Every. Single. Day. Teaching is the best.
I am thankful for words I read, words that resonate, words that change me and words that make me think.
I am thankful for parents who filled my childhood with goodness, gave me strong roots and showed me every day, through example, what a loving marriage and family was all about.
I am thankful for a brother who will still duet "Regulate" with me if I ask very nicely. Neither of us should probably be singing out loud in front of other people.
I am thankful for family--the one I was blessed with, the one my husband brought with him and the chosen family of friends I have found along this journey.
I am thankful for coffee. Every morning. So very thankful for coffee.
I am thankful for Mason, who leaves notes on my pillow that say, "I love you, Mom." Pure joy.
I am thankful for Jack, whose exuberance for life and gentleness for all things vulnerable fills my heart.
I am thankful for Amelia, my baby who is not really a baby anymore, for her giggle and for the way her sweet little head still rests on my shoulder when I sing to her before bed.
I am thankful for my husband--my best friend and partner in this beautiful life.

And it is a truly, beautiful life. For this I know and for this I am forever thankful.


  1. Your line "I am thankful for Amelia, my baby who is not really a baby anymore, for her giggle and for the way her sweet little head still rests on my shoulder when I sing to her before bed." I can see and hear her giggle and snuggle. Sweet image.

  2. When we stop to consider what blessings we have, we find there is much to be thankful for.

  3. When we stop to consider what blessings we have, we find there is much to be thankful for.
