Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Story Time

I love reading to my kids. We always read right before bed. They each pick out a story and we all snuggle up together to enjoy stories. My oldest is reading now, so sometimes he reads to us. Tonight he read Vincent Paints His House by Tedd Arnold (yes, the same Tedd Arnold who writes the Fly Guy books). It is a super cute book that was great fun for my son to read. My kids especially liked listening to all of the different shades of the colors Vincent used to paint his house (helped with that part). I read Miss Hazeltine's Home for Shy and Fearful Cats and Ragweed's Farm Dog Handbook. All of these books came from the library. When I hear about good books from professional presentations or blogs I read, I put them on hold at the library so I can read them and share them with my kids...the ones at home AND at school. These particular books have been sitting on my desk for almost 2 was time to read them! Enjoying these books with my kids was definitely a highlight of my day.


  1. Fun post! The story snuggling time was often the best part of our day as a family.

  2. My kids have flown the nest, I envy you the ability to read bedtime stories!

  3. These books sound so cute! My girls LOVE the Fly Guy books. We'll have to check these out!
