I love visiting my brother-in-law and sister-in-low. It is so comfortable with them and we laugh and laugh and laugh.
I need to remember to buy socks for Amelia. I can't believe I forgot to pack socks for her. Again.
Mason and Jack have so much fun playing with their cousin. I'm so glad they have this time together.
I am so tired. I really should go to bed.
I am going to run in the morning.
I am nervous about writing my aunt's eulogy. How do I do justice to her life, her experiences, her friends?
That chocolate cake was delicious.
I wish I could have done more for my mom today.
I felt her absence today.
I am so tired. I really should go to bed.
This sounds like a tough time. GO to bed and take time to run in the morning. Prayers for you and your family