Yesterday, I was inspired by a fellow Slicer. She used this format and I thought it was great! So, here goes!
Last night, exhausted, I curled up in bed to read a bit of Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson.
Before that, I caught the tail end of The Bachelor finals and After the Final Rose. I didn't even watch this season, but I was flipping through the channels and got sucked in.
Before that, I kissed my children good night and happily wandered downstairs as my husband prepared to read Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
Before that, I snuggled with my sons as my husband tucked in our baby girl.
Before that, I washed, dried and dressed an unhappy three year old, desperately trying not to get water and soap onto his scraped forehead.
Before that, I unsuccessfully tried to convince said three year old to eat his corn and chicken. His father was partially successful in this attempt.
Before that, I enjoyed dinner with my husband and children--complete with laughs and no milk spills.
Before that, I simultaneously prepared dinner and entertained three children. Thank you, Blaze and the Monster Machines.
Before that, I enjoyed a play date and outside time with a dear friend and her children. I also comforted a distraught three year old after he took a digger and scraped his forehead.
Before that, I drove the children home from swimming lessons.
Before that, I caught a little bit of throw-up in a towel when my five year old took in a little too much water on his "magic carpet ride."
Before that, I watched the swimming lesson teacher rightfully give my three year old a time out after a few warnings about splashing. I love days he doesn't nap (enter sarcasm here).
Before that, I picked up the kids from the babysitter to take them to swimming lessons.
Before that, I enjoyed a 2.21 mile run on a beautiful early spring day and managed to dodge most puddles.
Before that, I left work ON TIME!
Before that, I had a great day of work!
Before that, I handed the phone to my five year old so he could call his dad and ask him nicely to bring his backpack...which was still sitting on the couch at home.
Before that, I arrived approximately 4 minutes late to's hard to get up on the first Monday after setting the clocks back an hour.
Reading back through this, it dawns on me how MONDAY my Monday really was. :-)
I love that format! I also loved that you tried something that someone else did. It worked for you! When you write that format, you can really see how much you accomplish in a day! Tons! I think I might borrow this one day! Thanks for sharing!