Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I Believe

Inspired by a fellow slicer AND Jacqueline Woodson, here are my belief statements.

I believe that family is family and that it doesn't always require being related.
I believe we need different people in our lives for different reasons.
I believe sometimes it is more important to be kind than it is to be right.
I believe you should listen more than you should talk.
I believe in getting lost in a good story.
I believe in God and I believe in heaven.
I believe in three-hour long dinner dates with friends full of laughter and stories and happiness.
I believe in date nights.
I believe that sometimes life just isn't fair.
I believe in licking the cookie dough off of the beater.
I believe a long drive with loud music is good for the soul.
I believe in dessert.
I believe that there are many ways to be a good parent and a good person.
I believe we never have to stop growing and learning.
I believe in helping.
I believe in love.
I believe I could go on and on...


  1. The belief statements are inspiring. Some are not what I would have thought to write but are so important: many ways to be a good parent & person!

  2. These sound just about perfect to me!

  3. First off...I believe your Slice is awesome! That is a really cool structure. I like that you mixed up serious "I believe in love." with funny "I believe in dessert." This
    Slice really allows you to have fun and share a huge part of yourself. Thanks for sharing!
