This morning my husband, Kyle, and I were in church with our three children. The pastor began the sermon referencing the story from one of the readings--the one about Peter being very offended and upset when Jesus first told the disciples that he would die. The pastor had us close our eyes and imagine our best friend. I thought of Kyle. Then, the pastor had us recall wonderful moments and all that we shared. Then, she had us imagine that person telling us, "I will die," as a way to connect to the experience Peter shared with Jesus. This instantly took me back to that June day and my frantic drive to the hospital. This happens sometimes...a movie, a song, something someone says...I go back and remember that day--maybe just a moment from that day. It shocked me at first, when this started happening and I remember asking my husband if this would always happen. If I would always feel like the wind was knocked out of me at random times when something reminds me of all that I could have lost that day.
I reached over and I placed my hand on Kyle's leg and I counted my blessings--again--that he was next to me. This was another reminder of how precious life is and how nothing is promised. I take that with me every day. This experience, this "slice" if you will, reminds me of my priorities, what matters and what really doesn't. I don't always get it right--I get it wrong a lot--but I am closer than ever before.
Wow...such a powerful first Slice. I commend you for putting such a terrifying day into words and sharing it with the Slicing community. Honestly, sharing something that personal would be very difficult for me to do, so I applaud you for having the ability to do so. I am so happy that everything turned out well! Thanks for sharing! Great first Slice!