Monday, March 7, 2016

Spring is Springing!

I wore my winter coat to work this morning. My boys had their hats and mittens. At lunchtime, someone mentioned how beautiful it was outside--60 degrees. 60 degrees!!!! 3:45 couldn't come fast enough. I was so excited to go outside with my kids and PLAY! OUTSIDE!

3:45 came and it was time to go home. I flung my coat over my arm and when my son asked if he could go outside in his short sleeves, I said, "Sure!" Off we went. The world just seemed brighter today.

I live in Wisconsin where March really is a mixed bag. It can be 60 degrees one day and snow the next. You never know when the weather will turn from early spring back to winter. So, you learn to embrace these beautiful early spring days when there are puddles and piles of snow everywhere--but you are able to be outside with just a sweatshirt!!

The kids and I grabbed sweatshirts and headed out to the puddles and piles of snow. It was wonderful! We went for a walk and played on the swingset. The fresh air on my skin and the giggle of my children felt invigorating...thawing, even. While I know there will be many more days when I need my winter coat and there might even be actual inches of fresh snow on the ground, I know the days when I was can wear my Toms and no socks are coming soon.


  1. I live in Indiana, and we had the same kind of day! We still have some snow on the ground from the last snow storm, but today was beautiful! It IS a mixed bag! Enjoy!

  2. What a treat to be outside without being dressed like the Michelin Man! Maybe winter won't be jealous and bite back later. Here's to a spring day in winter!

  3. I love the infectious giggle and joy of your post. It's amazing what the warm weather and sunshine can do to our moods.

  4. Time for fresh air and playing outside was how we spent our late afternoon! The kids were so happy-just as yours to be enjoying this early spring warm-up! Glad you had such fun!
